
The contents of this website and all on-site pages or websites ("Website") are communicated by The Karad Co-operative Bank Ltd (the “Bank"), with its principal place of business located at 516/2, Shaniwar Peth, Shahu Chowk, Karad 415110, Maharashtra, India. The information contained on this site is for your personal use. You may download material displayed on these pages for noncommercial use. You may not, however, distribute, reproduce, modify, record, transmit, publish, reuse, report, or use the contents of these pages for public or commercial purposes, without Bank's prior written permission. Bank shall at all times be vested with all intellectual property rights contained on the materials displayed herein. The information provided herein is on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kinds. Bank specially disclaims any representations and/or warranties including without limitation any implied warranties. Access and use of the site and the facilities is entirely at your own risk. The services and products being mentioned herein are for your information only and shall not be deemed to constitute solicitation by the Bank and/ or by any of its affiliates for any such products and/or services.

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